In aggregate, corporate balance sheets, on this basis, have seen meaningful improvement since June 30, 2008 as net debt has declined by almost$ 200 billion over the period. 总的来说,自2008年6月30日以来,由于净债务下降了约2000亿美元,这些公司的资产负债表获得了显著的改善。
The market response to the negative aggregate balance had been very smooth and had demonstrated that the currency board system was working efficiently. 面对总结馀跌至负数,市场运作仍然极为畅顺,显示货币发行局制度运作有效。
Two major planks of the technical measures are the provision of a convertibility undertaking in respect of the aggregate balance and modifications to the discount window facility. 技术性措施的两个主要范畴是提供总结馀兑换保证,以及修订贴现窗机制。
Members observed, however, that the volatility in the aggregate balance had not had a destabilising effect on the money market. 然而,委会员成员留意到虽然总结馀表现波动,但并未对货币市场的稳定造成负面影响。
More-over, a stable financial system is as important to renewed economic growth as is any fiscal stimulus, much as confidence in sustained aggregate demand is as important as balance sheet integrity to the financial system. 另外,对复兴的经济增长而言,一个稳定的金融体系与任何财政刺激一样重要,就如对金融体系而言,人们对可持续整体需求的信心与资产负债表的健全同样重要。
Even so, the aggregate balance sheets of the banking system probably need to shrink. 即便如此,银行体系的资产负债总规模可能也需要收缩。
However, it may be that the size of the aggregate balance, for whatever reason, and the associated loose monetary conditions become a matter of concern. 然而,总结馀的数额以及有关的宽松货币状况在不同环境下是有可能引起不同的忧虑的。
Financial institutions shall, according to the relevant regulations of the people's bank, prepare and submit credit plans, and the people's bank shall bring them into the aggregate balance of the social credit planning and use them for directing the credit activities of financial institutions. 金融机构要按照人民银行的有关规定,编制上报信贷计划,人民银行将其纳入社会信用规划综合平衡后用于指导金融机构的信用活动。
The aggregate balance had been volatile, reflecting market activity, and the convertibility undertaking had been triggered on a number of occasions. 受市场活动影响,总结馀表现波动,报告期内曾进行了几次兑换保证交易。
Under the currency board system, the aggregate balance is determined predominantly by the flow of funds into or out of the Hong Kong dollar. 在货币发行局制度下,结馀总额主要由资金流入或流出港元的数量决定。
For intraday movements of the Aggregate Balance, please refer to HKMAOOB. 有关总结馀的日内变动,请参阅HKMAOOB。
Following the refinements to the linked exchange rate system introduced last month, the outstanding issue now is the question of transferability between certificates of indebtedness and the aggregate balance. 在上月推出优化联系汇率制度的措施后,在制度设计方面可再作研究的课题,主要是有关负债证明书与总结馀之间可否互相转移的问题。
To this end, the Aggregate Balance and forecast changes to the Aggregate Balance attributable to the currency board's foreign exchange transactions are disclosed on a real time basis. 为此,金管局即时公布总结余数字及因货币发行局的外汇交易而引起总结余变动的预测数字。
This acreage, however, will likely come from soyabeans as aggregate planted acreage is already near record highs, ultimately resulting in higher soyabean prices as that balance tightens as production is lost. 不过,这很可能会挤占大豆的种植面积,因为总种植面积已然逼近历史高点。这最终将推高大豆价格,因为随着产量下滑,大豆的供需也将吃紧。
On the contrary, corporate debt in aggregate has been falling and balance sheets growing ever more healthy. 与此相反,企业总体债务水平一直在下降,而其资产负债状况也在更为健康地增长。
Substantial fund inflows increased the aggregate balance and pushed Hong Kong dollar interest rates at the short end down to zero. 大量资金流入香港,令总结馀增加及短期港元利率下跌至接近零的水平。
Members noted the analysis in the paper that the main reason for the decline in the backing ratio was the increase in the aggregate balance. 委员会成员获悉文件的分析指出,支持比率下降的主因是总结馀增加。
To be sure, a large aggregate balance does mean very loose monetary conditions, which may encourage monetary expansion to the extent of generating inflationary pressures. 大的总结馀数额当然代表货币环境极为宽松,可能带动货币增长以致造成通胀压力。
The sub-committee considered a paper exploring the advantages and disadvantages of providing a two-way convertibility undertaking in respect of the aggregate balance. 委员会审阅了一份比较就总结馀提供双向兑换保证利弊的研究文件。
Previously, forecast changes in the aggregate balance due to transactions outside Hong Kong hours were announced by the HKMA in Hong Kong the next morning shortly before the market opened. 以往因在香港时间以外进行的交易引致总结馀预测出现变动,金管局要待翌日早上临近开市才于香港公布。
"When the aggregate Balance in the statutory common reserve fund is fifty per cent or more of the registered capital of the company, the company need not make any further allocations to that fund." 公司法定公积金累计额为公司注册资本的百分之五十以上的,可不再提
This refers to the increase in the Aggregate Balance due to interest payments on Exchange Fund paper. 这是指由支付外汇基金票据及债券的利息而引致总结馀增加的数额。
How to choose a proper aggregate investment and keep the balance between proceeds and investment? 如何确定恰当的投资额度,以取得安全收益和安全投资之间的平衡成为一个问题。
Aggregate channels explained the asymmetry from the view of aggregate demand and aggregate supply, including the real balance effect, supply-side shocks and income transfers. “总量效应”主要从总需求和总供给的角度来解释油价波动对经济的影响,主要包括“实际余额效应”、“供给冲击假说”和“收入转移假说”。
Economic and social benefits; aggregate and structural balance; and the natural, social, and environmental development of a harmonious and comprehensive standards. 本文从人力资源配置过程的视角具体分析探讨了投入产出的效率标准、经济效益和社会效益标准、总量和结构均衡标准以及人与自然、社会、环境协调和人的全面发展的和谐标准。
The classical realist alliance theory chooses power as the main analytical variable and assumes balance-of-power as its basic theoretical proposition and supposes that alliances are tools to aggregate power in order to achieve the balance of power. 传统现实主义的联盟理论将权力作为主要的分析变量,其理论基点是权力平衡论,认为联盟是权力的增强器,是权力平衡的工具;
By stimulating domestic consumption demand and investment demand, aggregate demand and aggregate supply balance the contradiction, to achieve "economic self-help" is the policy of our government chooses the road. 通过拉动国内消费需求和投资需求,平衡总需求和总供给之间的比例,实现经济自救,是我国政府的必然选择。
Then it predicted the quantity of cultivated land reserved according to the methods of food security, aggregate balance and trend extrapolation, and the research showed that the prediction results of three methods were different, and each had its advantages and limitations. 然后分别采用了粮食安全法、供需平衡法和趋势外推法对恩施市的耕地保有量进行预测,研究结果表明三种方法的预测结果各不相同,各有其优点和局限性。
The play of the macro-control functions can achieve a stable price level 、 full employment 、 maintain a general equilibrium of aggregate supply and aggregate demand 、 smooth the volatility of economic development and maintain the balance of international payments in the macroeconomic. 宏观调控职能的发挥可以实现宏观经济运行中物价水平稳定、充分就业、总供给与总需求保持大致平衡、熨平经济发展中的剧烈波动以及保持国际收支平衡等宏观目标。